Angular2 has released

17 Sep 2016

After a long wait, Angular2 final version has been released.

Once again, i have started to setup a project and go through with steps. Here i would like to tell you i have already tried angular2 successfully when it was in alpha phase. Ofcourse at that it was little tricky and required hard work to keep up with the changes and get answers to obvious questions. I have also tried jspm instead of npm of keep me away from lots of configuration. But now, i can say it is ready to use in production environment with ease. One of the main focus of angular2 is to reduce learning curve for developers.

This time angular has provided a CookBook along with the previous QuickStart and The tour of Heros, i would like to talk about Visual Studio 2015 QuickStart, It makes setup quite easy for developers, who prefer working with Visual Studio. As i remember, we (along with two other friends Sandeep and Dinesh) have struggles a lot to use Visual Studio as IDE for doing devleopment using Angular2. Finally, we succeed using Typescript project, but now we can use ASP.NET Web Application and do development.

Alternate IDE options are Visual Studio Code, WebStorm, Sublime text 3, Atom editor and so on.
