Caliburn Micro

7 Sep 2017


  1. Bind view model properties to your view based on convention

  2. Apply methods between your view and view model automatically with parameters and guard methods

  3. Decouple view models with built in composition patterns and event aggregation

Getting Started

Install-Package Caliburn.Micro -Version 3.1.0


dotnet add package Caliburn.Micro --version 3.1.0

Superb Action conventions

$source -> for self xaml element.

cal:Message.Attach=”” -> for binding method, or property.

These conventions are based on x:Name. So, if you have a method called “Save” on your ViewModel and a Button named “Save” in your UI, we will automatically create an EventTrigger for the “Click” event and assign an ActionMessage for the “Save” method. Furthermore, we will inspect the method’s signature and properly construct the ActionMessage parameters. This mechanism can be turned off or customized. You can even change or add conventions for different controls. For example, you could make the convention event for Button “MouseMove” instead of “Click” if you really wanted.

Note: ViewModel method automatically binds to view control with same name. For calling a method from different control, you may use cal:Message.Attach=”” -> for binding method, or property.

Can prefix on MethodName -> will disable/enable control that calls Method.
